Disclaimer- I wrote this WEEKS ago and never posted. I’m so sorry, but here is an update from September 11, 2023
“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.””
Isaiah 41:13
Hello all friends and family!!
I can’t believe I’ve already been down in Gainesville for three weeks!!
We, the other alumni leaders and I, spent the first two weeks in trainings and teachings preparing for this next season of leadership and discipling. We had teachings and trainings on spiritual and logistical topics to overall be equipped for leading these mission trips and those participating in intimacy with God, living in an encouraging and uplifting community, and loving through the mission of serving others. We also spent much time in prayer and worship preparing our hearts and minds to be reliant on the Lord and not of ourselves. I’m learning a lot on how to lead from a place of vulnerability, dependency, and humility. It’s in His strength not my own. Not my own experience. Not my own capabilities. Not my own talents and gifts. It’s by His strength and His strength ALONE.
A week ago, all the new racers arrived!! It’s been a FULL week of training and teaching, activation and application, worship and testimony sharing, team bonding and building!!
The Lord gave me a vision a couple days ago of when I was training for competition in college for long jump. My coach would have me practice my running approach over and over until it was perfect and then I would practice the actual jump into the sand pit. Having the approach correct, set me up for a good jump. As many of you know, when you sprint, you lean slightly forward and run on your toes. So for my approach, I needed to run like this at first for speed but then as I got nearer to the takeoff board, I needed to straighten, place my feet flat on the ground, and look up rather than down into the sand. When we posture our bodies and hearts to look up and out towards God rather than down into ourselves, we get ready for the take off. Posturing ourselves with eyes locked on God and open hearts allows us to get ready for deeper intimacy with God, stronger community, and more compassion in serving, it’s the jump into life with God. It is a time of preparation, are you getting ready? The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, is your heart in the right posture to receive it? The waiting is the preparation.
So over the next three weeks, we will continue in this posture of preparing for what God has for us over the next nine months and the rest of our lives. Keeping our eyes locked in on the King, not ourselves. I’m excited for what this season holds! The King is so faithful!
Thank you for the support and encouragement!
Love, Clara Grace
Also my team, Shekhinah! This is the group of women I’ll be leading!!
left to right:
Sarah, Jasmine, Leann, Kena, Lily, Aubrey, Maddie, and me 🙂
How nice to see a picture of you and Dawson.
I love the correlation between preparing to long jump and preparing to launch for ministry! Such a great analogy!! You are loved! Mom