
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved.  


The past month, I’ve been in a very Northeastern state in India, between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Honestly, before we flew here I didn’t know this area existed/was part of India. This area has been reached with the gospel for over 100 years now! Praise God! And my team has had the incredible opportunity to partner with a mission society, volunteering at a seminary, secondary school, hospital, rehab center, and church. A few things we did this past month were attending and participating at school chapels, English conversations with seminary students, bought traditional skirts and wore them to a youth convention, attended local churches and encouraged them, helped at two free medical camps (one where a few of my teammates and I got to spend the whole day praying for patients who came, and another where a team from America came and saw over 3,400 patients in 4 days, along with local doctors and staff from the local hospital), worked at a few construction sites, played volleyball, watched soccer games, attended a birthday party for the cutest 3 year old (my teammate and I made her a piñata), learned how to make milk tea, shared testimonies with seminary students, and enjoyed the good food and beautiful place here in India with the kindest people. There are so many stories I want to share from my time here but here is one to start…

A few days ago, my team and I were going to a small church in a nearby village. About 20 minutes before arriving, my whole team packed into a truck with some inside and some standing in the back. Every time we drive around, people see us and smile and wave. Probably because we are a strange site to see haha. As we arrived, I noticed a half constructed church building but people all around us smiling, waving and greeting us. We joined their service; my friend shared a testimony and a message while our team lesion translated for him. The rest of the service was in Hmar (one of the many languages in the area), so I pulled out my bible and began to journal. As I sat there listening to the preacher, who I was told was about 80-90 years old, I was reminded of the disciple, John. At one point during the sermon, the preacher said something that makes everyone laugh. Our team lesion leans over to translate that he had just called out to the kids in the back to stop playing and listen. Not in a demanding way, but kindly like a father who knows what is best for his kids. I realized how much he reminded me of the disciple John. 

That morning in my quiet time, I was reading in 1st John. John, at the time when he was writing 1st John, is estimated at the age of 90 years old. As he was writing the letter, he addressed it to “beloved” or “little children” many times. The kindness and sincerity that John has for teaching others to love is beautiful. John is often referred to as the “disciple, whom Jesus loved.” What an honor it would be to have such a title?! But what an honor it is to learn from the same man that Jesus loved to be the one who loves like Him. It says in John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” The old commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself but Jesus has a new one for us. Love others as He loves us. Wow, this is a pretty high standard to live up to, since God sacrificed His own Son because He loved us so much. I sometimes forget that we have the ultimate example of how we should live as Christians. Jesus lived on earth as a human example of how we should live, with humility and love. Love is an act not a feeling. Our actions are how people should know we are Christians.

I got this picture of a father playing hide and seek with his kid. The kid hides, maybe behind the curtain and their feet are still peeking out beneath, or the kid hides under a table, where they are still clearly visible. But the father wanders around looking for the kid, calling out to them, hoping they will respond and come running, so that they embrace with hugs and giggles. The father always knows where the kid is, no matter how well they think that can hide. This reminds me of our heavenly Father. He wants you to come running to Him. You can’t hide from Him. This is not meant to scare you but to comfort you. Even in the darkest times or the scariest moments, He will always be there for you waiting for you to call out to Him for help. He loves you so much.  

Anyway, after church we were invited over to the chief’s house (who was also the preacher) to see puppies, monkeys, a tortoise, an orange and lemon orchard, a sandalwood grove, and a passion fruit vineyard (is that what it’s called?), all while being offered to enjoy any of the fruit. Then we were invited over to an elder’s home for tea. We were served tea and apple bananas (the BEST bananas ever, I haven’t had them since I lived in Hawaii). We learned that the church had begun construction over 2 years ago when another World Race team was serving there. This is just a small but sweet example of the hospitality we have received here in India. The people are so kind and it’s an honor to be around them. I’m going to miss this place very much. 



On another note… Today is our last day of ministry!! WHAT?! It’s been a long, wonderful 11 months. Unfortunately, I’ve been sick the past few days. So instead, I wrote a few blogs (I hope to be posting one again soon about my plans after I return home), took a nap, went to the hospital, got meds, said goodbye to my fever (hopefully), got served by my own teammates (I was brought tea, chocolate, breakfast and lunch, *cue happy tears) and painted some feedback for my friends. 


I fly to Delhi in a few days, then to Thailand for a few days, then back to Delhi and then to the States! Prayers for health, safety, and protection as we finish up here and start traveling would be greatly appreciated!  


More to come,

LOVE YOU, Clara Grace